Longton VM
Victory Lane (Off School Lane)
The Rules Of Crown Green Bowls
A Crown Green is usually square, slightly higher in
the middle (the Crown) than at the edges and play is
conducted all over the green in any direction making
for a great deal more variety than in the Flat Green
Crown Green Bowls can be enjoyed by all ages and
gender, including people with disabilities. It is
probably the only sport where a nine-year old can
play a ninety-year old in a competitive game.
Crown Green Bowls is mainly played between two
players. To play the game you will need a SET OF
BOWLS (two) of not less than 2lb (907 grams) in
weight, a STANDARD JACK (which will become your
target bowl) and a FOOTER (mat) which must be
round in shape.
The Bowls and Standard Jack have a bias (weight)
which will make them turn as they travel across the
The aim of the game is to get your bowls as close as possible to the target bowl, commonly known as ‘the
jack’. To begin the game, the mat must be placed one metre from the edge of the green. The first player must
place their foot on the mat and roll the jack which must travel in any direction across the green to at least 19
metres from the centre of the mat. This is known as ‘a mark’. If the jack fails to reach 19 metres or falls off the
green, it is returned for your opponent to set a mark.
Once a mark has been set the players take it in turns to send their bowls until all the bowls have been played.
A player gets one point for each of their bowls that are closer to the jack than their opponents closest bowl.
Games are usually played to 21 (21 up) The first player to reach 21 is declared the winner. The game can be
adapted to other formats ie Doubles or 31 up and can be played on artificial surfaces and indoors
The Rules Of Bowls
There’s always rules
Click To Email Andy Baxter
For More Information
Victory Lane(Off School Lane)
Longton, Lancashire
+44 1772 616974