We have 2 leagues in the Winter League which run from September to Early December and they are held every Thursday. One league is held in the afternoon and the other in the evening.For More Details contact one of the organisers:Winter League (Afternoon) Tony Hankin tel. 07709902234Winter League (Evening) Peter Iddon tel. 01772 615809
Winter League InfoContacts & Info about the Bowling Teams
We have 2 leagues in the Winter League which run from September to Early December and they are held every Thursday. One league is held in the afternoon and the other in the evening.For More Details contact one of the organisers:Winter League (Afternoon) Tony Hankin tel. 07709902234Winter League (Evening) Peter Iddon tel. 01772 615809
CONTACTe:info@longtonvm.co.ukt: 01772 616974
ADDRESSLongton VM Victory LaneLongtonPreston PR4 5DLLancashire