Supplied By Local Historian
Stuart McLoughlin
Loose letter from Mr. Breakell-Moss, Manor House,
Longton, offering apologies for missing the meeting,
“As regards the War Memorial, I think that whatever
form it takes – the main thing should be raised by the
Parish. A brass tablet with the names of the fallen
might be placed in the Church, but for the Parish, an
Institute would fill a long felt want and could be used
by everyone. I suppose a Parish meeting will have
to be called and if it decides upon an Institute, which
I think it ought, is successful in raising the money,
the building might be put up and then handed over to
the Parish Council, who could then form a
Committee and co-opt others, say those interested in
the Girl’s Club, Comrades of the Great War,
Ambulance classes etc., so that the girls and men
might have the full use of it.”
Page 230
The question of a War Memorial for the district was
then discussed and it was resolved that a Parish
Meeting be called for Friday, December 20th, 1918,
at 7.30pm.
20th December, 1918 - LRO Ref PR2849/5
Page 98
A Parish Meeting was held this day in Longton
School, about 45 persons being present, Mr. Dodd
being elected to the Chair. After the notice convening
the Meeting had been read, the Chairman explained
the reason the meeting had been called and the
object viz. “To consider the question of a War
Memorial for the Parish, and if considered desirable,
the form such a memorial should take.” Rev. W. H.
Norris suggested that the memorial should take the
form of a Victory Memorial.
Mr. A. M. Breakell-Moss suggested that the first
question was to decide if the Parish intends to have
a Memorial, or whether it should be left to the
Churches and Chapels. His opinion was that such a
Memorial should take the form of an Institute which
was greatly needed in the village, and that it should
be used not only as a place of amusement, but as a
means of education and which should be used as a
meeting place for the several organisations in the
district, and which could be handed over to the
Parish Council on completion, which could co-opt a
number of persons to assist in the management.
Mr. Syke was pleased the meeting had been called
and that the opportunity had now come for Longton
to decide for an Institution, and suggested it should
be a combined memorial, to celebrate the Victory,
and also in some form to perpetuate the Memory of
the fallen.
Mr. Sykes proposed:- “That this meeting desire to
commemorate the magnificent Victory of Britain and
her Allies in the Great European War of 1914 – 1918
by erecting a Parish Institute in Longton through
voluntary public subscription.
Mr. Howarth seconded.
Mr. Breakell-Moss supported.
Mr. Taylor proposed an amendment:- “That the
memorial take the form of a suitable obelisk or such
form of ornamental monument placed in some
prominent position in the village.
Mr. Shorrock seconded.
On being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.
(Only seven voted for)
The motion was carried.
Longton Parish Council 28th May, 1919 LRO Ref;-
Page 239
It was resolved that a Parish Meeting be called on
Tuesday next, June 24th, to consider the result of
the recent canvass for the proposed war memorial
and, to decide on a scheme for the Parish and that
the same be announced at the several places of
worship the previous Sunday.
Longton Parish Council 24th June, 1919 LRO Ref:-
Page 104
Special Parish Meeting held in the Longton School
The Chairman explained that a complete survey of
the Parish had almost been made.(So far £630 9s
0d) had been definitely promised. The result of the
canvass was considered disappointing in view of the
amount required for a village Institute. The meeting
being now thrown open for discussion and
Rev. W. H. Norris remarked that a recreation ground
appealed to him as an alternative scheme.
Mr. Heald asked if in the event of an alternative
scheme would the promised contributions still stand.
The Chairman was of the opinion that a new canvass
should be made.
It was resolved:-
“That a recreation ground be purchased as Victory
Memorial. That a Committee consisting of Messrs.
A.M. Breakell-Moss, J. Sykes and R. Winter, with
power to add two more to the number if they desire,
be appointed to select suitable sites of about 5
acres. That the previous Canvassing Committee be
again appointed to canvass the Parish that £1,000
should be arrived at. A future Parish Meeting to be
called to receive a report of the canvass and of the
selection committee.
Longton Parish Council 21st June, 1920 LRO Ref;-
Page 107
Special Parish Meeting held in the Longton School.
The Chairman put the resolution which was carried
It was proposed by Mr. Sykes and seconded by Mr.
Howarth that the additional land on the south west
side of the School Lane footpath be secured.
Carried unanimously.
Resolved:- “That a Committee be appointed to carry
into effect the decisions of this meeting and that the
land when acquired should be vested in the Parish
Council.” (Moss and Heald)
Longton Parish Council 17th March, 1921 Page 110
The Chairman explained that arrangements had
been made with the prospective owner and the
solicitor engaged was now drawing up details with
reference to the prospective butts that considerable
progress had been made and permission to go onto
the ground had been given.
Longton Parish Council 26th May, 1921 Page 251
The meeting had been called for the purpose of
receiving the draft of sale of land for recreation
ground in Longton.
Resolved “that the draft be approved subject to the
deletion of the following words in the second
schedule of the draft viz. ‘or by persons residing
within a distance of a mile outside any boundary of
the said townships’ and by adding the following
words ‘whether resident within the said Township of
Longton or not.’
Longton Parish Council 7th October, 1921 Page 252
Re grant of land:-
Resolved “That the land offered by the Memorial
Committee be accepted by the Council. That the title
deeds for the land be deposited with the Manchester
and Liverpool District bank for safe custody.”
If you have any details or photos from this period
please lend them to us for 24 hrs or better still scan
them and send them to us.
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